Volusia County Law Library Logo

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the Volusia County Law Library located & what are the hours of operation?

Click here to access Law Library locations and hours of operation.

Is the Law Library open to the public?

Yes, all are welcome to visit and use the Library.

Does the Law Library offer tours?

Yes. Please call the Law Library to schedule your tour.

What books does the Law Library have to help me with my research?

The Law Library collection covers many legal topics. Ask a librarian for help or click on catalog for a list of resources.

Does the Law Library have books to help the average person with a basic legal problem?

Yes. The Law Library has many self-help law books and other titles that are helpful to the public. (Catalog)

Can I borrow books from the Law Library?

The Law Library is a reference library and books do not circulate.

Can a librarian give me advice on what forms I need to file in my case?

Reference librarians are not attorneys and are not authorized to give legal advice. The Librarians can guide you to the resources
that address your questions. The Florida Bar has a Lawyer Referral service that can recommend an attorney in your area.

May I make copies?

Yes, a coin operated copier is available at each courthouse branch; the machines also take dollar bills and library copy

Does the Law Library accept checks or credit/debit cards as payment?

The Law Library accepts cash, or credit cards via PayPal. The Law Library does not accept checks.

I need to see a court case. Can I do that at the Library?

Published decisions of state & federal appellate courts are available at the Law Library. Actual case files are accessed
by contacting the Clerk of the Court.

Does the Law Library have computers I can use?

Yes. Library computers are available for legal research; usage policies apply.

Does the Law Library provide public access to Westlaw databases?

Yes, the Law Library offers Westlaw in the courthouse branches, and on the Law Library computer
workstations in the Deltona, New Smyrna Beach, and Ormond Beach Public Libraries.

Can I download the research I do on the Library computers?

Yes. You may purchase a flash drive in the Law Library. Outside media is not allowed.

Can I plug in my laptop at the Law Library?

Yes. Electrical outlets are available, usage policies apply. The Library is not responsible for personal equipment or personal property.

Is free wifi available in the Law Library?


Are fax services available in the Law Library?

Yes, the Law Library will send or retrieve a faxed document for you. A fee applies.

Can the Law Library mail or email forms to me?

Yes, call a Law Library branch for procedures and charges.